An Ode to good friends

Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor. For, if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up”. Ecclesiastes 4:9 – 10

Sometimes, you’re afraid to take the first step, to make the first move in exhibiting what God has placed on your inside that is struggling to show. It is for times like these that good friends exist…

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Getting Married…

Yes! Welcome! I knew the topic would draw you in like a magnet to a fridge (or is it like a fridge to a magnet?) 🙂

I had always wondered what the answer would be if I were to ask people why they got married. So, over the course of 2 weeks, I actually did ask the question. 50 people (between ages of 18 and 60), depending on their relationship status, answered one of these questions “why did you get married?”, “why do you think people get married?” and “why do you want to get married?”.

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