To Rome, with love

While you slept, I left….

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I had  a fantastic time;

we hung out…you showed me what it must mean to be loved.

you showed me your depths and ruins,

The ugly and the beautiful…what makes you, you.

The magnificence of what you represent,

The richness of your heritage…

I had to leave while you slept

Because had you been awake, leaving would have been much harder.

If you’ve never been to Rome… you must!  make it Bucket List item #1 (assuming everyone has a bucket list).

If you don’t have a bucket list…you must! make it Bucket List item #o.5. 😉


Yours randomly


“The heart is only capable of hate because it used to love….” says Me. 🙂love-811994_1280

I really do think that love and hate are two ends of the same spectrum – you can hate someone just as much as you used to love them. Other wise, how do you explain a woman stabbing her husband to death by sticking a knife in his neck during an argument? Or a man cutting his wife to pieces because she was rude? *what are you doing cutting a human like venison?*

Remember “the journey of a thousand miles (read the journey from love to hate) begins with a step”….whatever you do, make sure you’re not taking that first step towards the hate side!




Birthday loading…

There’s something an approaching birthday does to me and I think it has gotten even more obvious as I grow older. It happens in two segments…Because my birthday is right in the middle of the month, the first half of the month, I find myself withdrawing into me, I try to separate ‘noise’ from ‘signal’, I ask myself what I have done with the past year and how much progress I have made. Sometimes, I make lists so thinking is easier.birthday

Post-birthday, which is the second half of the month, I ask myself Continue reading →

Getting Married…

Yes! Welcome! I knew the topic would draw you in like a magnet to a fridge (or is it like a fridge to a magnet?) 🙂

I had always wondered what the answer would be if I were to ask people why they got married. So, over the course of 2 weeks, I actually did ask the question. 50 people (between ages of 18 and 60), depending on their relationship status, answered one of these questions “why did you get married?”, “why do you think people get married?” and “why do you want to get married?”.

Continue reading →

What’s your Story?

So, I got into a conversation with my best friend today and it was about how there are different versions of any story. According to him, there are always 4 versions of the same story – the Fact, the Truth, the ‘Story’ and finally, the Lie.

Let me make it a bit clearer… Continue reading →